Dobrosława Rurańska

Dobrosława Rurańska

Born in 1990.

Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. Diploma in book graphic in 2015.

In 2014, won the Award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage for students of art schools.

Designs illustrations and poster. Collects all kinds of books. Lives and works in Katowice.


Designs of this author:

Customer testimonials


Przepiękne pocztówki, ślicznie zapakowane i na pewno będę polecać wasz biznes wszystkim znajomym! :))

Olga, Poland


Przepiękne pocztówki, szybka dostawa, nic dodać nic ująć :)

Angelika, Poland

Thank you so much for my package with wonderful postcards. I`m happy about the extra postcards your sent me as a gift. I like them all.

Marion, United States of America