Weronika Boruń

Weronika Boruń

My name is Weronika and I work as a graphic designer - illustrator. I draw since I remember, when I was a child I painted furnitures, walls, today I prefer graphics tablet. I love to share my works with others - I get most satisfaction when my designs make other people little happier :-) In addition to illustrations, I like to design boxes, packaging and various other items which you can find on my blog:

Website: http://mavelo.pl

Designs of this author:

Customer testimonials


Przepiękne pocztówki, ślicznie zapakowane i na pewno będę polecać wasz biznes wszystkim znajomym! :))

Olga, Poland


Przepiękne pocztówki, szybka dostawa, nic dodać nic ująć :)

Angelika, Poland

Thank you so much for my package with wonderful postcards. I`m happy about the extra postcards your sent me as a gift. I like them all.

Marion, United States of America